Oral Hygiene and Brushing

Oral Hygiene and Brushing

We thought it good to talk a little bit about oral hygiene and brushing, seeing it is winter and the cold weather might aggravate those sensitive teeth.

One of the most  important things in regards with brushing is to always use a soft or medium brush, either electric or hand brush. Plaque can actually be wiped off. We tend to think the harder we brush, the better we clean, but in the long run we do more damage, mostly pertaining to gum recession leading to exposed tooth necks and sensitivity. A term we call abrasion.

This sensitivity can be treated by firstly demonstrating good brushing techniques, and thereafter by conservatively using fluoride gel ,rinses and toothpastes to re-mineralise the sensitive tooth necks. In more severe cases a white filling will have to be placed.

We know that most people don’t like flossing, but research shows that regular flossing (at least twice a week) reduces tooth decay. The preferable evening regimen is to floss, brush for approximately 2-3 minutes and thereafter rinse  with a general fluoride mouth rinse. It is vital to brush in the morning as well as at night after meals. Tooth decay is most active at night when sleeping, thus brushing at night is most crucial.

A regular six monthly scale and polish is advisable, to remove external stains for example coffee stains as well as calcified plaque.

I always tell my patients that  gums and bone is the foundation of our building (the teeth). The foundation has to be sound for long term good oral health.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions