Teeth Whitening0On February 12, 2020September 6, 2022By sadminIn News To whiten your teeth is not a complicated procedure. It consists of applying a bleaching agent on the surfaces of...
Oral Hygiene and Brushing0On February 12, 2018February 12, 2018By sadminIn News We thought it good to talk a little bit about oral hygiene and brushing, seeing it is winter and the...
A Gummy Smile0On February 12, 2018February 12, 2018By sadminIn News A gummy smile, as it is termed, is where a person shows teeth, including a more than normal amount of...
Your baby and toddlers teeth0On February 12, 2018February 12, 2018By sadminIn News Oral healthcare for your children starts early – which in turn will help them get off to a great start....
Periodontal Plastic Procedures0On February 12, 2018February 12, 2018By sadminIn News Restoring a gummy smile or an uneven smile line can be accomplished with the aid of periodontal plastic procedures. Sometimes...
Cosmetic gum treatment0On January 24, 2018January 24, 2018By sadminIn News It is possible to treat gum pigmentation in the surgery with in two appointments. Pigmentation in your gum tissue can...
Sedation00On January 24, 2018January 24, 2018By sadminIn News Imagine for a second, you have to go to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, or having the agony of...
Tandbleiking0On January 12, 2018February 12, 2018By sadminIn News Om tande witter te maak is nie ‘n ingewikkelde proses nie. Dit behels die aanwending van ‘n bleikmiddel op die...
Jakaranda Kinderhuis – Dankie0On February 12, 2017February 12, 2018By sadminIn News Dr Kleynhans en die Smile Connection Praktyk Jakaranda Kinderhuis is baie dankbaar vir Smile Connection se positiewe bydrae tot ons...